

This is notified for the information of all the concerned candidates bearing following Roll No’s pertaining to Higher Secondary Part-II (Class 12th) Examination Session Annual Regular 2023 who are alleged to have resorted to use of Unfairmeans / Misconduct etc, is offered an opportunity to present themselves before the UFM Committee along with their & 22nd of May 2023 admit cards for scrutiny /disposal of their case on 20th May of 2023 at 11:00 A.M in the Office Chamber of the Joint Secretary Secrecy/UFM Kashmir Division New Campus, Bemina, Srinagar.

In case, any candidate fails to appear before the said committee on the schedule date, his/her case/s shall be decided on the basis of the available records/evidence and no further claim on this account shall be entertained.

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Last Updated On : 28th Jan, 2023